The Zombie Apocalypse

I look at generational gap in so many ways, and my parents just make it clear how lost they feel living amongst us. Well, my dad made it even crisper, ha-ha. I had my series in CDs and would leave them at the TV area. So someday, my dad got ahold of walking dead which he chose to watch at night, mistake number one. All we could hear was him gasping, “My goodness!” every other two seconds in some kind of tone. Worse, he was alone in the living room. My old man is brave, those zombies are driving him crazy but he keeps on, until when he realizes that this thing won’t end. Well, he wasn’t raised watching series. So he relinquished the trauma!

I too, got really cold chills watching XYZ but my amusement couldn’t let me back down till I got used to them, even horror movies don’t do nothing to me anymore, except Hannibal. It’s a thriller that apprehends me, and I need the lights on to get through it. All this time I zoom into the film industry asking myself why? I mean what are these creatures? Are aliens real? Across the board I realize that producers of the infinity films going round share the same-same notions and maybe you think its copycatting right?

As a PR student say I view the industry as an agenda-setting platform for they try to cultivate some ideas and habits in us, and that is what they do but best believe it is more than meets the eye. I was watching a documentary on drug use and opioids precisely, in Philadelphia, USA. I was too taken-aback to cry a river because of the immense distress. From the panning of the camera all I could see was the raw version of zombies without makeup and green screen, check it out. People are walking and abruptly space out in the middle of the street, and not one or two folks. My jaw drops as their knees bend and they are holding their head, others look up with popping eyes and others just collapse. 

Drug addiction is not a solitary case in this raging apocalypse. We all know what zombies do. They eat brains and when they bite you, you become one too. Look at the society too today. I cannot even begin to enumerate all that is unfit about how we live today. We are zombies, brainless at least. We are the poster generation for consumed minds for we barely think, or move on our own. We are all about crowds, like zombies. Look at social media, we are defined by followers, and likes and comments. We continue to degenerate for approval and even lay waste our dignity for the pop culture. Look at politics and religion, how we follow ideologies all the way to civil wars in a bid to prove our standing. Look at money and sex bearing forth sponsor(ship), promiscuity and the lengths we go to satisfy these unquenchable desires. We have sadly been rendered Braindead (Another interesting series that speaks on the same, politically)

The Zombie apocalypse is some scary-real stuff. The producers will use ugly looking creatures metaphorically and don’t be the watcher who will just see the creativity in the make-up artistry alone. There is a message, and because we don’t like to be “judged” and “haters”, they will not tell you, “Hey the zombies are you people”. Where there is smoke, a fire is. Creativity is always derived from something that already is. Even for sci-fi, the tech may not be here already, but that is what they could be up to, the corporates running this world. 

I see zombies always walking with raised arms eager to prey on people with brains, then nothing. I see us hoping on to every trending train of thought, then where are we headed?


  1. Woooo, eye opener i could say, now that you got brains clearly, watchout for zombies,
    i love every letter of this

    1. Im guarded at least, haha,.. thank you for reading

  2. The same thoughts that go through my head as i watch, you are a true observer.. Nice words..

  3. Very few would write about creepy stuff
    This is damn good Que👌😜

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