The month is still ripe but the year is rolling away fast. Today is intentionally about me. I felt like letting my readers in, unveiling little portions of the ghost behind the blog. I hope that the closure gives you more insight on future pieces of mine.

Writing for me has been my greatest discovery. It started right after class eight from keeping a diary. My diary was only a record of intense moments of my life. Then I don’t know how poetry came into play because I would just write things off my head and they sounded like a rhyme. I would read lots of poem up to a whole thick book without tire but sadly it’s almost impossible for me to finish a few pages of a novel. To date reading prose has always been a weakness and I’m not trying to improve anyway, but I can do brief articles.

So poetry is my main specialty but I do quite a lot of other things that I may not mention at this time. But today writing is a part of me that I cannot escape. I am a thinker and adding emotions to thinking makes me want to let it all out and that is why I write. I write out of the burden of my heart and I do not mean that all the pieces I write are personal. Sometimes I just find myself in someone else’s shoes and I get that overwhelming feeling to put it down.

I write because sometimes I read things and I am like, “that is exactly what it feels like in words that I couldn’t put.” I am a writer who is not a word genius for all the emotions she has and that is why I also read a lot (of poems mostly). I imagine my readers feel the same with my pieces. Maybe they find comfort in realizing their feelings are relatable. Maybe those are the exact but elusive words they need at a given situation and they could use them to describe what’s inside.

I write because I want to be that voice in someone’s head telling them these things happen or this is the reality of life. I write because reading is awesome. I write because I am intense with emotions and feeling them beneath your skin is thrilling.

Finally, I am just a small town girl who is full of life and dreams and ideas and hopes and strong sentiments.

I’ll call this chapter 1 of the “Ghost behind the blog”


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